Monday, March 06, 2006

pesch cote

I decided that an "e" was more appropriate in the word pesch, than Pisch. In my previous blog I mentioned that during my kitchen fire my husband was out hunting for a pc, for those who are not fluent in low German, direct translation is pee cat, better known as a skunk! Thursday night was not a success. My not so hunting husband came home empty handed. Friday night we were to have company and have a sleep over, yes the whole "fam damily." Saturday schedule had lots of snowmobiling and playing outside with 7 children. We couldn't have a skunk hanging around. Saturday came and went with no sign of stinky. Sunday was to be another fun day outside with dad, and the gt snowracers. It wasn't long after lunch our 2 girls playing downstairs spot a cute little furry friend walking through their bedroom window well . Needless to say daddy's nap got cut short and the hunt was on. First under the wheelbarrel planter under our living room window. No he is leaving, no he's back. Merle ready for combat, heads outside, only to find he has made his way under our front concrete steps. After banging around and a lot of standing around, the smoking him out seems to work. The Pesch cote makes a run for it, only to find eternity at the end of the tunnel. Hurray, he is dead! We celebrated over a pot of coffee with our neighbors. Now we can sleep at night. Oh back up a little. I forgot to mention that in between the banging around and smoking him out he laid a good one under our steps which has crept into our house. The cote is dead, but his smell is not! After a stinky night sleep, I decided to find a remedy for the rude smell that was lurking in my home. Off to bigway I go to purchase every smelly plug in and Automatic fragrance mister I could afford. My brilliant mother found a recipe to pour over the sprayed area. Absolutely I was going to try everything, fearing we are all going be smelling of skunk soon. I proceed out to the infamous spot and start pouring my bleach solution only to find fresh foot prints. No....Yes....Another pesch! Out came rambo once again.....Only to find his path leading to the tracks. Is he gone for good? Will he come back? Will he find another partner and not bare to live in the same home as his previous partner? ....Oh Schmidt happens!!


At 11:03 p.m., Blogger esther said...

ohhh shell, that is so funny...because I'm not living beside you. Hope your hunting rambo comes through :b

At 10:29 p.m., Blogger Brian the Mennonite said...

This is a great story...a brave young knight venturing forth to save his princess and slay the dastardly dragon. Well done Sir. are a brave man...but do I have to visit whilst the stench lingers?

At 8:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian you always see the romance in it. I appreciate that. I just saw it as a complete disaster! And yes you have to visit whilst the stench lingers!!!But watch your step, you never know if our furry friend will decide to come back to home sweet home.

At 9:01 a.m., Blogger joyce said...

pisch, pesch, its all rock and roll to me. Love it!

At 4:11 p.m., Blogger esther said...

kay Shell...I'm ready to here your Tom Cruise story...giggle

At 11:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess schmidt doesn't happen anymore.

At 3:49 p.m., Blogger Brian the Mennonite said...

You've been tagged...come and see.

At 11:52 p.m., Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

First and foremost, congratulations on securing the title of 'schmidt happens', really, what are the odds?

As an ex country boy I can say without fear of contradiction that I would rather face a stampede of freshly neutered bison than come face to face with monsieur Pepe le peuw!

I'm sure that he's happily chasing cats with painted white stripes down their backs in skunk heaven.

At 7:00 a.m., Blogger Carlotti said...

I've come back to read your PC story a few times - it always makes me laugh. Any success in booting the next PC into eternity?

At 9:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

for any of you that have so kindly checked out schmidt happens, thank you. sorry that i have not posted in months, or rather almost a year. i have forgotten all my codes and passwords.....multitasking is not working out real well for this mother of 4. Any way...maybe I'll have the courage to start up another site and have the brains to write down my info. for now.

At 9:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way...we have not seen "hide nor hair" (is that the saying)of the pisch. Though we did find two wild kittens living under our shed this fall. You must all think we live on a rundown farmyard. for now.

At 3:06 p.m., Blogger Louise said...

Okay so I see your point!! I would NOT like the smell of skunk on a daily basis and I wouldn't like it if a skunk came to take up residence in or near my home!!! LOL great story though, is the smell finally gone????


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