Dream life.
There are days that I find myself discontent. Actually many days. I really don't like this about myself, never the less this is who I am. I look at my life and am discouraged at the furnishing that were picked up from the local dump, not Wiens Mible Darp. I get ticked at my husband for not finishing all the unfinished projects around the house. I am tired of looking at the trimless door I enter everyday about 30 times. I would like to have 6 matching chairs, not to have to use the piano bench for one more meal. The mail clutter on my counter is a source of contention. My 4 lovely children can all single handedly drive me crazy. And my husband, who doesn't seem to speak my language, doesn 't let me boss him around!!!(which is the way it should be, but it drives me nutty). The list could go on an embarrassingly long time, but the fact of the matter is, I have a dream life. A dear friend recently got diagnosed with an extremely debilitating disease, and would trade places with me in a heart beat. The whinny kids and all. My life is his dream. A little house, a few kids(maybe not 4, but a few), and to be able to get up and go to work. Thank you friend for helping me see clearly. I am still praying for a miracle for you.
I can definitely relate to your post Shell. Being thankful is not the easiest thing to do. As for your friend, have faith in miracles!
love you friend...
love your life too, it's all apart of who you are
We all feel ungrateful at times. I too live in a house sans baseboards and can relate to your frustration. But recognizing the discontent within us and doing something about it is what separates the ungrateful from the grateful. There is ALWAYS someone out there worse off than we are, and there always will be. All we can do is keep our attitude in check and pray for our friends (and enemies). And yes, God does still perform miracles, and I'm praying for one for your friend.
(wow we cover the gammit in these blogs don't we? it's the study of life.)
Yes to what Crystal described above...it's called the big picture and we are all guilty of tunnel vision from time to time.
Let's keep the blinders off. If you have ever had a child with health problems, you learn in an instant what it takes some people a lifetime to learn. You would give your limbs/your life to make it right and all the other shit just evaporates into nothing. I think I may have to call you or start my own blog as my comments are exceedingly long winded.
Love you Shell.
Yes, I too look around my house and think about all that I should redo and replace. Then reality kicks in and I know for MYSELF, what's most important is good health, as I too, have had an irreplaceable loss. After my son died I remember thinking I would live under a bridge if I could only have him back. Who really cares about a house? Instead of redoing & replacing I'm looking forward to making memories in Mexico in Feb. with family & friends. SOOO... eat your heart out all you bloggers, MEXICO HERE I COME!!!
Jo...I'm all for you starting your own blog!!
You are going to be shocked.... I found my way back to my blog... Wish I remembered my pass words. ( I'm a slow learner !) I read through all my blogs... Laughed and cried like the other times, but was I. Search of the blog in particular. As I stated in my post, I was praying for a miracle. It happened!!! Why is it so hard to believe?...... Why did I pray, if I didn't believe it could happen? ....well it did. My friend has been given a clean bill of health. A brain scan that is of a healthy brain. Not one fill of lesions from Parkinson's. Go figure... Our God heals!!!
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