Sunday, April 22, 2007


Just so all of you know, I didn't need the help of my computer competent cousin....I figured this crazy PC out all by my lonesome.

Three Things That Scare Me:

1. Becoming deaf
2. Family members dieing
3. Bears

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Merle, when he's not trying.
2. Bill , an old teacher from boot camp.
3. Jason, my cousin. (his wife is right up there too....the combo is the actually the funniest.)

Three Things I Love: Aside from God/friends/family
1. Fresh sheets
2. Camping
3. Laughing with my husband

Three Things I Hate:
1. fighting
2. Liars
3. Dirty dishes

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. This World
2. Why God chooses to heal some and not others.
3. My cell phone

Three Things On My Desk:
1. Bills
2. Phone
3. Devotional

Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. This meme
2. Staying up late
3. Crossing my legs

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Travel with my children, one at a time, to do mission work.
2. See my children grow to be joyful adults that love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength. That they would walk with Him every minute of every day. That the peace that passes all understanding would be theirs.
3. Be content

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Laugh with people, that love to laugh.
2. make a mean bisquit
3. Play the piano and guitar enough to be able to sing some old country classics, and some of my favorite worship songs (at the camp fire is my favorite)

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Please everybody
2. spell
3. Set my husbands digital watch

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Holy Spirit
2. Positive people, not Debby downers
3. Your heart

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Someone belittling you
2. Doctrine that is not from the WORD
3. People who never have anything good to say

**stole those ones

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. Not to worry
2. How to be self motivated (in exercise especially)
3. How to play guitar the real way, not the old country way....

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Sweet and sour spareribs (my mom's way)
3. Jalapeno poppers

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. The Flinstones
2. I dream of genie
3. scooby doo (if we were in grand forks)

Three Things I Regret:
1. Not spending more time with my girlfriends when I was dating
2. Not going to b.c. to visit my brother when he was living there.
3. focusing on the outcome rather than the journey.

I tag, Esther, and my mom.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

You are so good to me

This morning, with 2 sick boys at home, a daughter that needed to go to the walk in, and myself who is a congested mess, table full of laundry, grand forks bag still needing to get put away (and unpacked), a floor that looks like a sand box,or a gravel pit, depends on where you are standing. A sink full of dishes which is standard. Here I stand a tired mom. To say the least, feeling a little overwhelmed with what needed to be accomplished today. A small voice said, spend time with me. Too many days I ignore it, but today I got my coffee and sat on my couch with my Bible and a devotional with many great nuggets of truth, and encouragement. As I was paging through it, I found a letter. It was from my brother Jeff. He was living in Ontario at the time, in training for overseas missions. The date was 4 months before he passed away. Even though he had a computer, he still wrote letters. My eyes instantly flooded with was his handwriting, and his thoughts, and concerns; a part of him. He was writing about what God had been teaching him. "...yet not I but Christ liveth in me...for me to live is Christ...."he went on to say that Paul realized that it was the very power of God living through him that really was life. A person can do nothing of any eternal value, only as we yield to the Spirit and allow him to live his life through us, will there be anything of eternal value, and glory to God. It's been 15 years since we last talked, and today was a gift. I felt him talking straight to my heart. You are so right Jeff, to live is Christ........... Christ is life! Im so thankful I took the time to sit today.....God is so good. He should be ticked, cause I choose so many other things before him so many days...and knowing Jeff has been on my mind lately, He chose to bless me, and show me love and Grace.... AGAIN! You are so good to me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I read today that the Christian creationist cartoonist, Johnny Hart the creator of the cartoon B.C, and The wizard of id passed away on the 7th of April. I looked up an interview with him and this is what he said. I believe the Bible is the Word of God,’ he said, ‘and I see all the foolishness in evolution theory. The main thing of course is that evolutionists have never come up with one indisputable piece of evidence. The top one is the “missing link?”. Something is always missing. The absurdity of it all is beyond reason.’
I "ditto" you Mr. Hart. I too believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Every bit of it! I also see all the foolishness in evolution theory. You encourage me to speak out for our God, who should get all the Glory, in all things,(especially for His creation). If others have the guts to speak out against My God, I surely should have the guts to speak out for Him.
See you in Paradise!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Grand Forks

Tomorrow right before second recess we are heading to one of my favourite places in the world; Grand Forks. As a child my family and about 10 others would pack up and head south for a weekend of swimming and shopping. We took up a whole wing at the North Star Inn. Oh what fun it was! I don't know what it is about that place, but to this day I still get that same excitement I had when I was 8, and had 10 bucks burning a whole in my pocket to spend at target. I couldn't wait to see the different toys, and spend the whole weekend playing with it.(it usually ended up being a barbie) In those days, Jeff and I could head off to the toy section alone while mom checked out the latest house holds and dad went to buy his 4 pair of rustlers; one of every colour. Dad is so funny, when he likes something he buys at least 4. I'll never forget when walmart came to town (gf), and dad went shopping with mom and I. He found these Shasta jeans, he wrestled with the idea of,"should we go to kmart and get the rustlers, or should I get the Shasta's? after all they looked great, and were only 9.89. How could you go wrong? Needless to say, it did. They didn't fit like a glove and after storing them in his closet for about 10 years he got up the courage to offer them to Jeff for work pants. The only one that took them was the local thrift and gift. I think Jason may have been offered them too. I remember when my grandma took her daughters and granddaughters for a weekend. She bought all us girls owl earings (which I still have and wear). We shopped and shopped, and at the end of the day we convinced her to come swimming with us. after a few cups of that 7-up wine, she popped herself in a bathing suit, bra and all, and amused all of us! My cousin Paul often has his birthday when we went. I can still see those colorful donuts on a stick at the North star Inn pool side as we celebrated his special day. I remember wrestling with my brother on the freshly made beds, and flipping from one to the other (I just jumped, Jeff was the dare devil). I remember lieing in bed at night after about 8 hours of swimming and barely able to keep my eyes opened cause they burned so bad(from the chlorine). I remember waking up early and watching scooby doo, and all the other great cartoons that we didn't get at home. The memories are endless.....I think that is why I love it so much. Now I'm taking my kids, and guess what? They love it the same. They can't stop talking about it. Everyday we have the count down, and everyday they ask why we can't leave earlier. (I'm totally with them on that one.) Thank you mom and dad for creating those memories for me, and making it a special place. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight either.