I read today that the Christian creationist cartoonist, Johnny Hart the creator of the cartoon B.C, and The wizard of id passed away on the 7th of April. I looked up an interview with him and this is what he said. I believe the Bible is the Word of God,’ he said, ‘and I see all the foolishness in evolution theory. The main thing of course is that evolutionists have never come up with one indisputable piece of evidence. The top one is the “missing link?”. Something is always missing. The absurdity of it all is beyond reason.’
I "ditto" you Mr. Hart. I too believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Every bit of it! I also see all the foolishness in evolution theory. You encourage me to speak out for our God, who should get all the Glory, in all things,(especially for His creation). If others have the guts to speak out against My God, I surely should have the guts to speak out for Him.
See you in Paradise!
HOLY! I was JUST going to make a comment that you would link-worthy when you started posting more than once a month, and then I check your site, and here's another post! Well done.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this one, Shell. There are SO many holes, yet they STILL find it easier to believe that we're all here because of random events with 1:1 katrillion odds rather than His Divine Plan. Go figure.
also, is anyone else really bothered by the fact that the scientific/archeologic society has now changed the dating system from BC/AD to BCE/CE ("before common era/common era) to take the "religious" component out. This really rips my gitch!
Here comes the end of the world...
Awesome post!!!
So true.......speak out..go girl!!
Crys, I can't believe you made reference to the end times. Maybe it really is coming...
Awesome post my dear friend! God has given you so much knowledge and education and I know that, I, for one, am very thankful for that!
You go girl! You tell 'em!
crys, don't underestimate your favorite cousin. "here come da motza..."(just thought of it...really has nothing to do with this post or your comment...thought it would make you chuckle!)So I do expect to be on your side bar. the whole BCE rips mine too. What is this world coming too? Yikes.
Louise, thanks, I love your posts and how you speak out for God. I appreciate it.
Brand, appreciate that....and you wait I may do a "lets move along now" one. ha ha.
Good post Shell....all true...tante L
Shel - that is exactly what the seminar was about, the mysterious "missing link" and what if there IS nothing missing? What happens to a theory when its entirety is based on missing data, should it not be classified as myth?
Crys - had not heard the change in the dating system, very chilling. Is it being used already or just proposed?
You keep this posting up and who knows what will happen!
I think we are all influenced so much by how we were brought up. Some of us are more inclined to faith than others. Creationists want to believe in Genesis and others are bent on the theory of evolution. None of us come to the table without bias and of course, we can't absolutely prove anything. And that leaves us with believing in something intangible and infinitely greater than we could even dream. Everything requires faith. I love the knowing. And God knows I don't want to check my brain at the door. So we strike a balance of respecting the biology of it all, and yet in humility, acknowledge that there is a limit to our discovering. There, that's my theory!
The dating system someone mentioned isn't new. We used it at Prov and that was almost fifteen years ago. (Yep. That long ago).
oh Shell, that's me up there.
i don't know why but your post instantly reminded me of this quote,
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
Ruth, I love that quote. thanks for sharing it.
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