First born
11 years ago today we were blessed with the arrival of our first born. We were so thankful for this special gift from God. After having 2 miscarriages, we weren't sure if parenting was in the cards for us. Our little man took his time coming. After a spinal, and a visit from the surgeon doing c sections that day, and a few hours of pushing, his dad convinced him it was time. Allan James was finally born, a beautiful little boy with blond hair on a coned shaped head. He was perfect. A little purple, but to us perfect. Compared to my other deliveries, his was the most challenging. I didn't know it at the time, so all was well, he was finally born, and I could finally meet my first blood relative. Someone that was apart of me, someone that had the same genes as me. Someone that might have the same eyes, nose, or smile. The sight of him was overwhelming. A little person given to me straight from the hand of God. What a gift. James Allan, or Allan James? What was his name going to be? Allan James it was. Allan, after my brother who made his way to heaven 4 years earlier, and James after a very special man, who taught us so much about our Saviour, who also was now with Jesus. He would be a constant reminder of 2 very special men in our life. As parents, you wonder who he will take after, will he love sports, will he love to laugh, who will he be like? And then you wait.......and to our surprise he has taken after a uncle he has grown to love, yet has never met. Oh how he wishes he could show uncle Jeff, his bow, pellet gun, air soft pistol, his deer antlers that hang in his room, the fox skin mom bought at a garage sale, how his can kick but in Sega. oh how he would love to go hunting with him, and sit in a tree for hours just to wait for the sight of a deer. Oh how I wish it all for him too. Today we will be gathering with about 8 young men and celebrate the life of our son. The air soft guns will be drawn, and the war will begin. Hot dogs,chips, pop and cupcakes will be served. What a privilege it is to celebrate life. Help us God to be good stewards of what you have given us; our children. We love who you have become in these 11 years Allan. We are so proud of you. Happy Birthday!