Monday, March 06, 2006

pesch cote

I decided that an "e" was more appropriate in the word pesch, than Pisch. In my previous blog I mentioned that during my kitchen fire my husband was out hunting for a pc, for those who are not fluent in low German, direct translation is pee cat, better known as a skunk! Thursday night was not a success. My not so hunting husband came home empty handed. Friday night we were to have company and have a sleep over, yes the whole "fam damily." Saturday schedule had lots of snowmobiling and playing outside with 7 children. We couldn't have a skunk hanging around. Saturday came and went with no sign of stinky. Sunday was to be another fun day outside with dad, and the gt snowracers. It wasn't long after lunch our 2 girls playing downstairs spot a cute little furry friend walking through their bedroom window well . Needless to say daddy's nap got cut short and the hunt was on. First under the wheelbarrel planter under our living room window. No he is leaving, no he's back. Merle ready for combat, heads outside, only to find he has made his way under our front concrete steps. After banging around and a lot of standing around, the smoking him out seems to work. The Pesch cote makes a run for it, only to find eternity at the end of the tunnel. Hurray, he is dead! We celebrated over a pot of coffee with our neighbors. Now we can sleep at night. Oh back up a little. I forgot to mention that in between the banging around and smoking him out he laid a good one under our steps which has crept into our house. The cote is dead, but his smell is not! After a stinky night sleep, I decided to find a remedy for the rude smell that was lurking in my home. Off to bigway I go to purchase every smelly plug in and Automatic fragrance mister I could afford. My brilliant mother found a recipe to pour over the sprayed area. Absolutely I was going to try everything, fearing we are all going be smelling of skunk soon. I proceed out to the infamous spot and start pouring my bleach solution only to find fresh foot prints. No....Yes....Another pesch! Out came rambo once again.....Only to find his path leading to the tracks. Is he gone for good? Will he come back? Will he find another partner and not bare to live in the same home as his previous partner? ....Oh Schmidt happens!!

Friday, March 03, 2006

schmidt happens

Yes I know I have proven already to be a poor excuse of a blogger. Not only do I have a spelling weakness, my memory also seems to be failing me. I forgot my user name and just recently, like this morning I lucked out on one of my guesses, and whula....I got in. This morning started out with a bang or should I say flame....I was doing the domestic thing and baking muffins for my kids. I noticed a flashing in my oven and looked in, to a good sized flame . You are told what to do in grade school what to do and all of a sudden you have no clue. (maybe its my memory thing), "Merle"...I yell only to find him in our back yard trying to hunt down a stinky rodent "ein pisch cote", that we discovered yesterday. Don't those things hibernate? Anyway, I'll save that for another blog... so I run to our back door and yell to him that we have a fire in our oven. Oh yes, I then remember you are to throw, or sprinkle what ever you wish, baking soda or was in baking powder?????I grab the first baking article I could find and start throwing it frantically in my oven,in hand fulls. By this time all my kids are up, with a bit of fear in their, I think. That was the quickest wakeup ever...Yelling "fire", may be my new wakeup tactic. What started the fire? Looked like something plastic, but too melted to know what from. So the next hour was spent trying to remove this hard baked plastic from my oven, and racks. Not to mention trying to get all the smoke and burnt plastics smell from our humble abode. The kids were cold, the windows were open, and mama was not a happy camper! The kids made it to school. Possibly smelling of a little smoke. I did eventually get my coffee. The muffins are still unbaked on the counter, but all is well.... Schmidt just happen!