Monday, December 11, 2006


My mother decided to use a gift certificate that was soon to expire. Her and Dad were heading to the city, so why not try it out what was she going to loose. Her head definitely needed some attention. And like most of us, when we want a haircut, we want it yesterday. So off to singletons she went. As she put it, " I had some misgiving when I walked in to a large saloon, with only 2 stylist." I am sure she meant salon, I don't think she entered cowboys zone with guns and shootouts . Anyway she proceeds to tell me that a large man was her designated hairdresser. She told him, that she was looking for a trim, especially around the ears. As he starts cutting she has had enough experience with good hairdressers, that she could tell right away she may have made a mistake, but it was to late this man was in the midst of his creation. After the styling was completed mom asks this big man, " So what's your name if I decide to come back here?" I think this was considered small talk. I don't think there was any intent of her going back. The man, in his gruff voice says, "Bo." Mom who is a little hard of hearing asks again, not sure of what he said. After a few tries she asks, "like B...O...."? (which I found very humorous.) The master piece was finished, mom submitted her gift certificate, and waited for dad to pick her up. All the while wondering how she was going to fix this disaster. This morning dad calls, and asks if I have time to give him a hair cut. Sure I replied. Could you give mom one too? We will be there at 10:00. My dad says to her, "Oh Hon, the difference between a good and a bad hair cut is a few weeks. She replied, no the difference is a trip to shells. Yes, we fixed her up nice. She is now ready to go out in public. Bo, that was a mulet gone wrong.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dream life.

There are days that I find myself discontent. Actually many days. I really don't like this about myself, never the less this is who I am. I look at my life and am discouraged at the furnishing that were picked up from the local dump, not Wiens Mible Darp. I get ticked at my husband for not finishing all the unfinished projects around the house. I am tired of looking at the trimless door I enter everyday about 30 times. I would like to have 6 matching chairs, not to have to use the piano bench for one more meal. The mail clutter on my counter is a source of contention. My 4 lovely children can all single handedly drive me crazy. And my husband, who doesn't seem to speak my language, doesn 't let me boss him around!!!(which is the way it should be, but it drives me nutty). The list could go on an embarrassingly long time, but the fact of the matter is, I have a dream life. A dear friend recently got diagnosed with an extremely debilitating disease, and would trade places with me in a heart beat. The whinny kids and all. My life is his dream. A little house, a few kids(maybe not 4, but a few), and to be able to get up and go to work. Thank you friend for helping me see clearly. I am still praying for a miracle for you.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

just checking

ok, my confidence is low.....Just needed to see if I could do this twice.

Iam so a computer wiz

I can hardly believe this. I am so computer illiterate....and I think I may have entered back into blog land ALL BY MYSELF!!! (Yes, I have independance issues, but who cares???) Not only do I feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever have, my massage therapist (who I have only seen twice, but I think we have a connection) thinks I have toned arms. Eat your heart out Joyce!! That was the best 20 bucks I have spent in a long time. A full body massage and got one of my emotional tanks filled. Well, lets see if this really worked! So good to be with you all again.